Well, Singur is at it. again . Here's a sneak peek to a dialogue between Mamta Banerjee (MB aka Mamu akka) and Ratan Tata (RT aka Nanu da) at one of the many protests staged my the Trinamool Congress that will give you a taste of things to come.
Mamu: I bill naut let peop0ll of Singoor be a victim of partisaan politics. On one hand we want the farmers to phlauris through CMP and on the other hand you baunt to take away their land. How are they supposed to phlauris bithout land.
Nanu da: Well, Ma'am, with utmost sincerity, your logic is highly ..ahem..logical, but considering this logic to be logical enough, similarly you will also find our logic of creating employment through investment in such a profitable project for the country perfectly logical.
Mamu: Nanu da, for your kind info, I am not exactly good at logic, so keep all the logicaal explainations for Buddhaji, bhen you have to explain him of your bithdrawal from Singoor. The only thing I knob is that I am the unopposaaddly elected in the Panchayat polls at Singoor and thereby hab the duty to protect the interests of the pharmers. so gibh me baak my 400 acres.
RT: (Almost irritated) When did they become your 400 acres!!! The land belongs to the govt of West Bengal and I have rightfully taken what I have paid for. And more so I have been trying my best to get the farmers relocated and have them employed as per their need and capability. I am doing no disservice to you or to the people, and if anything, I am trying to build the manufacturing industry in West bengal for the state's good.
Mamu: ( Still at it): It is so kind of you to ask that. Bell, as faur as the laand is concerned it is OURS and naut yours for the taking. I bill die here, but not let the phaarmers suffer because of your peepolls car dream. We already have Our peepolls car here - the bullock car and it is bell below your $2500 phigure.
RT: (in tears but to himself): (I have shown my patience long enough. I need to warn Buddhaji that I am ready to roll back inspite of the heavy investment already put in and also to get this lady an english teacher.)
Bell, I mean well the best solution to all our problems.Let's have a voice vote in front of this large gathering and see what the people have to say about it.
Mamu ( to the gathering): Bhaut do you baunt , MAMU or NANU.
People: Be Bant Nanu to dhrive our bullauck caarts.
On What Is Happening in Bangladesh
6 months ago
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